Developing new nanovectors for the treatment of CLL


The CONCORD proposal combines multidisciplinary approaches aiming at overcoming several limitations regarding immunotherapy of CLL patients. In detail, It aims to provide an efficient carrier for mRNA to be used as a safe CAR T-cell therapy, which is an advanced and novel immunotherapy which is usually applied with virus. Previous approaches to mRNA as a therapeutic agent have used naked mRNA or polymeric NPs and relied in short term expression that can work for vaccination purposes but would not be enough for CAR-T cell anti-tumoral immunotherapy. In detail, the innovation and added value of the proposal relies in the production of cutting-edge transfection nanovectors for the sustained release of mRNA inside the cell for longer therapeutic levels of CAR expression. The advanced cytoplasmic delivery is attributed to the proton sponge-controlled release. Besides, the vehicle, thanks to its high electronic density and collective oscillation of the surface electrons, are powerful tools for imaging, thermal and radio therapy.

One of the main problems of current CAR-T immunotherapy is permanent alteration of the T cells genotype, even beyond tumor eradication. When solving this problem with mRNA, activity time become a major issue. In mammalian cells, mRNA half-lives typically range from several minutes to 20 hours[1] and mRNA transfection usually results in a receptor expression of around 20-24h[2]. CAR-19 has already been expressed in T-cells before by means of mRNA electroporation were an extended expression of CD19 up to 6 days was observed. It was assumed the unusual receptor half-life is due to their vector and mRNA production[3]. Other authors reported up to 3 day expression of CD19 in T-cell after mRNA transfection[4]. Thus combining RNA stability and sustained release it is envisaged that no more than 4-5 injections would be needed for a complete treatment. Similar stabilities are expected to be found in our nanocarriers, slow release for sustained levels of mRNA in the cytosol aimed to extend the half-life of the CD19 expression to levels that allow a sensible and effective therapeutic regime.

CAR T-cells therapeutic approach

Schematic representation of the CAR T-cells therapeutic approach (left) and mechanistic principle of proton sponge – endosomal scape – mRNA delivery for T-cell modification (right).


i) To develop genetic material nanovectors to overcome current polymeric and viral limitations;

ii) To apply this to deliver mRNA for transient genetic therapy and promote the synthesis of CAR T-cells;

iii) To design a CAR T-cell therapy for CLL that is safer and easy to use and preserves B-cell function for longer term once the patient is cured.


To achieve the above detailed objectives, the proposal divides the work in two different blocs: Nanovector Design Hub (ICN2 and TAU) where the nanovectors are designed, synthesized, functionalized, loaded with mRNA, characterized and dispersed in biological media, and Nanovector Testing Hub (HCLINC, MNEGRI) where the molecular mechanisms regulating the interaction cells-nanovectors, their hazard and risk assessment and the efficacy and therapeutic power is studied and evaluated.

Concord Project Structure

CONCORD will exploit the endocytosis – proton sponge – endosomal release route for the cytosol with a work plan divided in 6 work packages (WPs), covering the whole duration of the project, as described below in the Gantt chart. The relation between objectives and tasks execution is not sequential. This implies that some tasks will be carried out in parallel which translates into short-term results that will be optimized over the entire project.

WP1 (ICN2) is devoted to the design and development of the nanovector. The main objective is to design, produce, characterize and study the physicochemical evolution of the nanovectors in biological media aiming at overcoming current polymeric and viral limitations. It will be composed by Au NPs functionalized with PEI and further loaded with mRNA.

WP2 (TAU) studies the mechanisms of interaction cells-nanovectors to support its design and refinement.  It will optimize and standardize the non-viral, efficient and inexpensive approach towards CAR19 expression in T-cells and their expansion. Mechanistic aspects of the mRNA delivery and efficacy. Interaction at the molecular level. This will allow to study the transfection nanovector interaction with biomolecules and cells in view of refining its design.

WP3 (MNEGRI) is devoted to study hazard and risk assessment of the newly developed nanovector. For the risk assessment of the nanovector the toxic potential of the novel products, their components and derivates at all development stages will be investigated. We plan to use different cell lines (Jurkat and primary T lymphocytes, but also other human and murine cancer and normal cells) that will be transfected using the same technology used for efficacy studies.

WP4 (HCLINIC) will evaluate the efficacy and the therapeutic power of the nanovector in vitro and in vivo. 

WP5 (ICN2) is devoted to exploitation, communication and technology transfer

WP6 (ICN2) will address the project management.

[1] Structural and Functional Analysis of an mRNP Complex That Mediates the High Stability of Human β-Globin mRNA Mol Cell Biol. 2001 Sep; 21(17): 5879–5888

[2] Transfer of mRNA encoding recombinant immunoreceptors CD4+ and CD8+ T cells for use in the adoptive immunotherapy of cancer. Gene Ther. 2009;16:596–604.

[3] Treatment of Advanced Leukaemia in Mice with mRNA Engineered T Cells  Hum Gene Ther. 2011 Dec; 22(12): 1575–1586.

[4] Expression of CAR in natural killer cells with a regulatory-compliant non-viral method. Cancer Gene Ther. 2010 17:147-54.